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UPANG UP911 LED紫外線嬰兒奶瓶消毒器(綠色款)是一款經過FDA註冊的產品,經過可靠的健康組織測試以驗證其有效性。該消毒器配備了來自德國知名公司的可靠UV-C LED,可以在短短10分鐘內殺滅99.999%的有害細菌。通過旋轉式UV LED,它確保奶瓶的每個角落都得到徹底的消毒。此外,它還擁有隱藏的點陣顯示屏和高品質的超級鏡面不銹鋼,外觀時尚典雅。雙門設計還可以輕鬆監控消毒過程。


The UPANG UP911 LED UV Baby Bottle Dryer and Sterilizer in white color features a patented technology of 6+3 UV LED 3D rotation light cover for complete sterilization (6 top UV LED + 3 side UV LED). With its large perspective glass door and LED display, you can keep track of the progress of the sterilization process, and the exclusive air circulation technology prevents bad odors from lingering inside the chamber. Enjoy easy operation with the one-touch sterilization and drying button, which automatically activates the whole process. The sterilizer also comes equipped with a voice prompt system and internal lighting for added convenience and safety. To ensure efficient sterilization, we use high-quality OSRAM UV LED technology.

UPANG UP911 LED UV奶瓶烘乾消毒機-綠色

HK$3,688.00 一般價格


Consumer Support Center

Tel:6467 1668
地址: 官塘成業街16號G座1樓G106 & G107室


第一 「新登場」UV LED消毒烘乾機 UPANG LED消毒器(UP911).png
詳情頁 灰色_05.png
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